In-person counselling Alberta

What is in-person counselling?

If you're looking for traditional, face-to-face therapy, Metanoia Mental Health offer in-person counselling sessions for all Alberta residents. Our therapists create a confidential and non-judgmental atmosphere in which clients can feel safe to explore their thoughts and emotions.

In-person therapy allows for direct communication through body language and tone of voice, as well as the opportunity for physical touch to be incorporated into sessions if desired. We understand that everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to therapy and are happy to accommodate those who prefer an in-person approach. Please note that we currently only have one office, located in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Contact us now so we can discuss your needs and schedule a consultation together.

How much does it costs?

Depending on the therapist, counselling session costs vary. Generally, the cost of most therapists are between $150 - $200 per hour session.

If you have insurance, the fee can often be covered by health benefit plans.

Ready to get started?


Initial Consultation.

We offer a free 20-minute assessment so that we can answer any questions you may have and gain an understanding of your current needs.


Book your first session.

Once the initial consultation has been done, we’ll be able to move forward with our first session, either by phone or by video call.


Schedule future sessions.

After our first online therapy session, we'll be able to meet on a bi-weekly/monthly basis so that we can help guide you through your growth and healing.


How old do I have to be to come see you?

Clients must be at least 18 years of age or older.

Where is the Alberta Mental Health office located?

Our office is located in Lethbridge, Alberta.

If you live in Edmonton, Calgary, or Red Deer, we would love to welcome you in our office for a therapy session. If you do not live near us, we also offer online counselling to all Alberta residents. Learn more here.

Is in-person therapy covered by insurance?

Yes, the fee can often be covered by health benefit plans. We recommend you checking in with your company prior to the appointment to see if they do.

If I need medication, can you prescribe me some?

We cannot prescribe medication. If for mental health reasons in therapy we decide together that a medical route may be supportive of your mental health journey, we can talk about options for referrals.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance. If you don’t cancel prior to your appointment, you will be charged the full rate of your session. 

Let us help you find care that's right for you.