How to Make Meaningful Resolutions Without Overstressing Yourself

As we approach the new year, many of us will start making resolutions that we hope to keep throughout the upcoming year. While setting goals can be a great way to jump-start personal growth and development, it’s important to recognize your own limits and not let the pressures of new year’s resolutions overwhelm you. In this blog post, we’ll explore ways to make meaningful resolutions without overstressing yourself or sacrificing mental health in the process.

  • Setting Reasonable and Realistic Goals

    It’s easy to fall into the trap of setting unrealistic goals that are way too far out of reach for ourselves at this time and place—if not impossible to attain. To avoid this, it’s important to set achievable and actionable goals so you can feel good about your progress and accomplishments each step of the way. Consider what you want to achieve in the long term, then break those objectives down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will help keep you motivated and on track as you work towards your ultimate goal. You want your goal to be specific and meaningful to you. 

  • Taking Time for Self-Care

    When making new year’s resolutions think of ways to implement self-care practices that will help you nurture a healthy mindset. Around this time of year, many people start thinking “the way to take care of myself must be through eating healthier and exercising more!” Although a balanced diet and moving your body are ways to practice self care, think of some others. At the end of the year, we are often run down and exhausted, and the idea of starting a whole new lifestyle routine can feel daunting and way too overwhelming. We classically then unintentionally set ourselves up for failure because our bodies ,minds and souls are not ready for this yet. It is too much too soon. Consider some smaller ways to practice self love/self care. Meditation and mindfulness are wonderful options. Have you ever tried yoga? A nice Yin practice could feel like a starting practice that's not overwhelming for your body. How about getting more creative and joining an art class? Or making a committed effort to create more date nights in a week with your partner to reconnect? Start a new book, or build mastery at a new skill like cooking!? Taking time to relax and do things that make you happy is essential for success when making resolutions. 

  • Understanding Your Limits

    It’s important to understand your own limits and not let the pressures of new year’s resolutions overwhelm you. Take time to reflect on what has worked in the past, as well as any areas where you may have struggled. Pay attention to how certain goals or tasks make you feel—if they’re causing more stress than joy, it’s okay to step back and reevaluate or adjust them accordingly. Does your goal align with your values? Does it feel meaningful to you? Why? Do you have a timeline on this goal? Creating a deadline can also act as a motivator. Make sure though that whatever the goal is, that it feels VERY realistic to achieve in the allotted time. Don’t make the timeline too far away either! 

New Year’s resolutions don’t need to be an overwhelming, stressful process. By setting reasonable goals, taking time for self-care, and understanding your limits, you can make meaningful resolutions without sacrificing your mental health in the process. Prioritizing mental well-being is key to achieving success with any goal or resolution—so be sure to take time to nurture yourself this new year.

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