Self Reflection and Coping Practices to Manage Stress

There are several simple strategies you can use to keep your stress levels low and your mood balanced. Here are some tips! 

  • Identifying the signs of stress & burnout

    Burnout is a type of prolonged stress that can have a significant impact on our mental and physical health. It’s important to be aware of the signs of stress and burnout so that we can take action to prevent or reduce its impact on our lives.

    Common symptoms of stress and burnout include feeling overwhelmed, difficulty focusing, changes in sleep patterns (sleeping too much or too little), changes in appetite and mood swings, irritability, and a lack of passion or care in our jobs anymore. 

  • Making time for self-reflection

    Self-reflection is an important skill for managing stress and promoting self-awareness. To build more self awareness, consider taking some time at the end of each day to write in a journal reflecting on your day. What went well? What are you grateful for? What would you like to consider improving in the future? What skills and strengths do you have in order to accomplish this? What felt activating for me today and why? What is going on in my life in general right now that may be impacting my mental health and therefore my reactions to things? 

  • Utilizing healthy coping strategies

    It’s important to have a range of healthy coping strategies at your disposal that you can turn to when needed. Examples include deep-breathing exercises, going for walks, listening to soothing music, talking to supportive friends and family members, cooking or baking something tasty or finding creative outlets such as art or writing.

  • Reaching out for virtual support

    It’s important to take care of your mental health, especially during uncertain times. One way to do this is by staying connected with others. Whether you reach out to friends and family members or join a virtual support group, talking to others can help reduce stress and promote feelings of well-being. If you’re feeling particularly anxious or stressed, you may also want to consider finding an online therapist. These trained professionals can provide valuable support and guidance, helping you to navigate these challenging times.

It can be difficult to juggle work, home and family responsibilities while also caring for your mental health, but it is possible. By taking the time to identify the signs of stress and burnout, making time for relaxation and self-reflection, utilizing healthy coping strategies and reaching out for virtual support when needed, you can successfully maintain your mental health between visits.

If you need help navigating the stressors in your life or would like additional information on any of the topics discussed above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you manage your mental health so that you can lead a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.

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